Friday, June 14, 2013

Current Project: Application Monitoring Service (AMS)

Zetta7's current project is a way to bring logging information for mobile applications to a central location. It runs on PHP/MariaDB (or MySQL) with a small library file to be included with the mobile application. Right now we're working with Android but will be expanding to Windows Phone and iOS in the future. 

The goal is to be very versatile and allow the developer to collect information which they deem necessary. All that is required is to give the entry a type which can be Warning, Error, Information, Success. Add a message to the entry and you're under way. The AMS webservice will accept these calls in the background which is transparent process and will not bother your users. 

Once the AMS web service stores the entry then its time for the dashboard to present that information to you in graph form. The graphs can help discover trends, issues or just general knowledge of what are the hot area's of your application. If you prefer, you can dump the data into a csv to easily be worked into a presentation or just further, more detailed research.

You can check the project out on git-hub at

For more information on our projects check out our projects page at

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